Organic Bee Pollen Powder


Bee Pollen is Natures multi-Vitamin! Good for both human and animals alike! This is especially good for reptiles whom mainly are insectivores who need extra vitamin supplementation that may be picky with their fruits & veggies like bearded dragons for example. We do not recommend regular supplementation of bee pollen at high quantities to reptiles such as crested geckos who eat premade diets already high in vitamins as prolonged use can lead to vitamin toxicity if given in large doses continuously. It is recommended to use only 1/8 (per 8oz of premade diet)-1/4 teaspoon (per 16oz premade diet) if you are looking to add it for supplementation. If you are having a problems with a picky eater you can try RAW honey as an alternative or a couple fresh blueberries or strawberries)

This product is 1 ounce in size

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